Brighton City Singers

Community Choir Strikes a Chord

Reason Global administration assistant Janet Cole is still dining out on the euphoria from her first ever choir performance as part of the Brighton City Singers on the opening weekend of the Brighton Fringe Festival 2019.

Brighton City Singers is an all-embracing choir led by MJ Paranzino and May Day bank holiday weekend was their 16th year at the festival. They were joined by choirs from Hastings and London all sharing the collective aim of bringing classics and new compositions together to joyously entertain and uplift both audiences and performers.

Having only joined the choir four weeks before the performance, Janet was thrown into the deep-end. The challenge covered well-known melodies from Brahms to the Beach Boys as well as delivering new compositions from 3 local artists including ‘You Are Always New’ written by Julia Bird with words from Keats and music by Alex Roberts.

Janet revelled in the creative process: “I absolutely loved the rehearsal process. Experiencing how a piece is broken down element by element and then being part of how it is reconstructed with fluidity and creativity was simply stunning.”

Being 12,000 miles away from her native New Zealand, Janet says that: “Being part of the launch weekend of the Brighton Fringe really makes me feel proud and rooted in my new community.”

You can catch Janet and the Brighton City Singers again on 18th May at Battersea Arts Festival and on 23rd June at the Liberty Choir concert in London supported by Stephen Fry.

Break a leg Janet!