Brighton Half Marathon

Jo puts in the miles at the Brighton half marathon

Congratulations to Reason Global’s self-confessed ‘fitness freak’ Jo Dalley who and ran the Brighton Half Marathon on Sunday 24th February.

After starting the race with a small group from her gym, Jo ran most of the course on her own in an impressive 1 hr and 59 mins. It wasn’t so easy, says Jo: “I hit my pain threshold 15km in, but my mantra was don’t cry, don’t die, just keep going. The atmosphere was brilliant, the crowds were amazing and the weather gorgeous.”

Jo has always lived an active lifestyle. She was a member of the OTC (Army Officer Training Corps) for five years and studied Sports Coaching at Southampton University. She originally planned to join the Army, but she wasn’t well enough to pursue a forces career at the time and is now following a career in insurance with the same passion.

“I love fitness and sport, it’s my absolute passion. I’m just a fitness freak and have also competed in pretty much all the mud obstacle races across the country. Outside of work the gym is my main priority, I also read a lot into training and nutrition. I am a very regimented and routine person, the gym not only keeps me physically healthy but it keeps my mind healthy. For me exercise solves all problems.”

Well done Jo!