Reason Global Summer Party & Treasure Hunt 2018

The sun shone and fun was had by all at the annual Reason Global Summer Party and Treasure hunt around Brighton.

The day started with a light brunch in Reason Global’s Brighton HQ, then at midday the teams headed off (by train, taxi, Boris Bikes or on foot) to the first rendezvous point at the Open House Pub in Preston. There we enjoyed the sunshine and some liquid refreshments before venturing off in our teams on a treasure hunt around Brighton’s streets.

The teams had two hours to complete the treasure hunt, allowing for generous breaks for coffee – or something stronger if required. BUT as it was a competition and there were points for each team for completing the questions, tasks and challenges set for them, things as ever got a little competitive!

The winning team, led by Daniel Reynolds.

Challenges ranged from answering questions about Brighton to collecting items including a coin from a different country and recording a video of a random stranger telling their favourite joke to taking a photo of your team standing in age order and buying an item “Fit for King” from a local charity shop.

The treasure hunt ended at the Signalman Pub where all the teams were tasked with completing three final challenges followed by a fabulous lunch and plenty of refreshments to end an enjoyable day.